Tips On How To Use Your AC At Home With Your Family

happy family
As a parent, we always want to put our children’s health first especially at the earliest stages of their life. From watching what they eat to what they’re being taught at school, it’s all the wonderful joys of parenthood that we all love. Our concerns for our children’s health should also be included in providing a safe comfortable environment at home for their development, and this should start with your AC unit.

We at Northwind Air Conditioning Heating & Mechanical Services are a family owned and operated business and you can only expect nothing but the best service with your own satisfaction and comfort expectation as our priority. With Summer around the corner, you might be having needing an Air Conditioning installation in Bellaire, TX or simply just looking for some advice. We’d love to share with you some tips on how to use your AC at home when you have kids.

Northwind AC and Heating

The temperature

With the drastic change that’s about to come with Summer it’s important to take care of how that change could directly affect your children’s breathing and the problems it could potentially cause down the line. No matter how hot it might be outside and how bad you want to pump that air con up, keep in mind that it’s recommended to keep the temperature between 77 and 80 degrees.

When the day is over and it’s time for our little one’s to head to bed we can sometimes forget that their body temperatures can drop very easily compared to our own and it could increase their chances of diarrhea or fever.

To avoid dehydration if being exposed to an AC unit for too long you should never look past the benefits that drinking water can bring to your child. Keep them hydrated!

Moderate your AC

There are various forms of negative effects that could come because you’ve left your AC running for long periods of time. Our team of experts recommend that you maintain a transition period with your AC unit and you should never leave it on for longer than 4 hours. It’s best to switch it off at least 30 minutes before leaving the house. If your AC is showing signs such as breaking down multiple times a month or not pumping air out properly you might need a AC repair service in Briargrove, TX.

Trust the professionals

Central AC units if they don’t have regular check up’s could bring hazardous health risks to your child. Not only will it bring bad hygiene into your home but if you have a buildup of debris, dust, and mold floating inside your unit this could cause some serious respiratory problems not only for your loved ones but also to yourself. It’s important to address this issue immediately rather than letting it go on for too long to point where you are putting your children’s health at risk.

We at Northwind Air Conditioning Heating & Mechanical Services are the trusted professionals that you need to be calling to your home. Whether you need an AC repair service in Briargrove, TX or an Air Conditioning installation in Bellaire, TX you can be assured that you’ll be looked after. Give us a call today at (713) 683 9474. We’d love to hear from you.

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