How Often Should You Need AC Repair?

AC Repair: How Often Should You Expect Them

We are acquainted with taking care of our property and completing maintenance tasks as needed. Some tasks require a little elbow grease and others require the help of a professional. We don’t shy away from mowing the lawn or changing the oil as needed, and we should not avoid preventative maintenance. Below is a list of maintenance tasks for your HVAC system and a schedule for completion to avoid costly AC repair costs.

Quarterly AC Maintenance

The air filter faithfully removes airborne particles from the air with every heating and cooling cycle. The quantity of particles collected on the filter will certainly surprise you, usually enough to cover the filter in a period of three months. A clogged filter severely restricts the airflow and hinders system function. Change the filter once every three months.

Annual AC Maintenance

In the spring, open the evaporator chamber and locate the drain pan—it will be immediately below the blower motor, which is very recognizable. All summer long, water will evaporate from the cool air and drop into the drain pan. Since it is dark and wet, algae tend to grow and clog the drain line. This creates a mess and can damage the surrounding flooring, walls, and furniture. Add a cup of vinegar or bleach to the drain pan to deter algae growth.

Grass clippings and dirt collect on the surface of the condenser coil—that is the component found outside of the home. Air must flow through the network of tubes and fins to cool the refrigerant gas inside. Take a garden hose and gently clean the condenser coil each fall—more often if needed. Do not use a power washer, as this can damage the fins, so crucial to cooling the gas.

The thermostat is the ON/OFF switch, installed on an interior wall out of direct sunlight. Newer models are battery-powered, and the battery(ies) need to be changed annually. Add this task to your schedule when changing smoke detector batteries.

The entire HVAC system needs to be serviced by a professional annually, so schedule a service call in either spring or fall. An essential step requires the technician to measure the temperature change during air conditioner use and a wintertime visit might be a little uncomfortable. During the summer months technicians are generally very busy with AC repairs and installations.

Occasional AC Repair

As the years pass, your HVAC system will experience wear and tear. Since so many functions are controlled by electric switches and sensors, these are the most apt to fail. Often a technician can uncover a problem with these components during routine inspections, but they are unpredictable. One indication of trouble ahead is when the technician must replace the same part more than once. Generally, a large component is under stress, causing the smaller part to fail.

Complete AC Replacement

Unfortunately, every HVAC system has a limited span of useful years. Fortunately, the number of years is fairly predictable. The average air conditioning system functions well for about 15 years—regular maintenance can add about 5 years to that total.

Heating systems function well for about 20 years—regular maintenance can add about 5 years of useful service to that total. It is a common practice to replace both systems at the same time to avoid misfitting technology. These general predictions allow homeowners to prepare the budget for an eventual replacement.

Let us help with your AC Repair and maintenance.

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help you with your AC repair and maintenance needs. Contact us and get the help you need.


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