Furnace Maintenance: A Guide to Energy Efficiency

Furnace Maintenance: Keep Your System in Optimal Shape

Maintaining your heating systems properly must be intentional, based on some basic understanding of the requirements involved. HVAC systems are complex mechanical systems and need seasonal attention, customized for each system. Furnace Maintenance tasks include:

Ventilation Tasks

The V in HVAC stands for ventilation and the ventilation system requires significant maintenance. The maintenance problem for the ventilation system is airborne particles–dust, dander, pet hair, pollen, mold spores, etc., –and these particles get everywhere.

Heating System Tasks

Furnaces come in two major types in the U.S.: natural gas-powered and electric heating systems. Some furnace maintenance tasks are the same on both types of systems, but some of these tasks are very different.

Natural Gas System Furnace Maintenance

Electrical Heating System Maintenance

Some heating systems use heat pump technology, the same refrigerant gas process used during air conditioning. There is enough residual heat outside to provide heat to the entire home until the temperature drops below a certain threshold temperature, at approximately 320 F. The same maintenance tasks required to keep the air conditioner functioning properly are required to keep the heat pump operating for the heating season.

Both types of systems will use the same electrical controls, sensors, and switches, such as a thermostat. These sensitive electronics require regular maintenance by an HVAC technician.

Let us help with your Furnace Maintenance and Heater Repair.

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help you with your furnace maintenance and HVAC repair needs. Contact us and get the help you need.


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