Common Furnace Issues and How to Avoid Emergency Heater Repair: A Homeowner’s Guide
Waking up to or coming home to a cold house is quite shocking, but not necessarily a reason to panic. Actually, most reasons for emergency furnace repairs are quite common. Let’s look at the most frequent causes of furnace emergency repairs and how to avoid them.
Some preliminary steps are:
- Checking the power to make sure a power outage has not happened.
- Checking the circuit breaker to make sure the furnace breaker has not tripped.
- Checking the gas supply to make sure the gas utility has not been interrupted.
After these initial steps, check for signs of Wear and Tear.
The most frequent problem is simply using the furnace. A furnace in Texas may function for 200,000 heating cycles during a 20-year period and this causes parts to wear out.
- The ignition system and burner assembly on natural gas furnaces often fail. Observe the burner at the beginning and end of the heating season, looking for a yellow flame instead of a blue flame. Notice damage to the burner assembly or the presence of rust. A black powder, carbon soot, is the product of incomplete combustion and inefficient heat production. Listen for excessive clicking during the ignition process.
- Rust will not shut a furnace down, but if the heat exchanger rusts through and allows carbon dioxide and monoxide to leak into the home, a safety feature will shut the system off. It will also trigger the CO detector, warning everyone in the home to evacuate.
- The blower motor engages with every cycle—both heating and cooling. It moves an incredible volume of air with every cycle. It is usually the only moving part of the entire system. First, listen for a loud screeching or grinding noise, a clear indication of problems to come. Second, if heat is produced but not moved by the blower fan, a safety feature shuts off the heat to prevent overheating.
- Look at the face of the thermostat. Most thermostats have small computer controls that are separate from the household power and require batteries. If the face of the thermostat is dark, with no electronic information, the batteries may need to be replaced.
If all appears correct, the problem is usually an electrical control issue. Each time a sensor, switch, or capacitor engages, a little wear happens. A technician will be required to find an electrical problem.
Don’t ignore warning signs. They include:
- Unusual noises that draw attention to the heating cycle. Family members get used to what the system sounds like under normal conditions, so pay attention to loud or new sounds coming from the furnace.
- Unusual smells that draw attention to the HVAC system. It should recirculate the inside air and should smell like the rest of the air. When it adds something, such as musty odors, this is a warning sign.
- Sudden drops in performance. If a room that is normally comfortable year-round abruptly becomes the most unpleasant spot in the house, it is an indication of poor performance.
- A sudden spike in utility bills without an alternative reason. Compare energy usage (gas and/or electricity) from the same month year to year to discover failing efficiency.
Crucial information to keep in mind is the age of the HVAC system. If you did not install the equipment, find the serial/model number plate and check the manufacture date on the brand website. The same numbers will provide the size information for the equipment, which can be handy while determining a replacement package.
Remember, if you are not planning to replace a 20-year-old furnace, you should be planning for an emergency replacement.
A Homeowner’s Guide to Avoid Emergency Heater Repair
Our guide helps homeowners avoid emergency furnace repair by outlining common issues and preventive steps. Key checks include inspecting power, gas supply, and circuit breakers, as well as monitoring for signs of wear like rust, unusual noises, or drops in performance.
Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help answer your furnace maintenance needs. Contact us and get the help you need.