Air Conditioning Maintenance: Cooling a 2-Story House Efficiently

7 Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips for 2-Story Homes

Cooling a multi-story home can be a little frustrating. Getting the temp right upstairs makes the downstairs too cold; making the downstairs comfortable is too warm upstairs. In this article, we look at why the upstairs is hotter and how Air Conditioning Maintenance can help.

It is too simple to say, “heat rises.” A more accurate statement is “heat is always on the move.” Hot air is lighter than cold air, so it moves up. During the winter, heat tries to find its way out of the upper-story ceiling into the attic. But during the summer, heat from the attic is also trying to find its way through the ceiling into the house. This combination works to increase the upstairs temperature. That’s the science. Here is the technology to possibly overcome the problem. Keep in mind, while it’s unlikely everything on this list will help you, something on this list might.

  1. Improve Insulation. Insulation is considered a thermal barrier, but insulation is relative. Make sure you have the prescribed level of insulation for your region; the recommended R-value of 38 can be measured at 12” or more. If the insulation measures less than 10”, consider adding more.
  2. Block the Sun. Solar gain is the heat moving into your home from the sunlight and it can add as much as 100 F to indoor spaces. Focus on the south side of the house and use blinds or drapes to keep the sunlight out during hot summer days.
  3. Air Conditioning Maintenance.  If installed properly, your air conditioner was designed to cool your entire home efficiently. However, an AC system needs Air Conditioning Maintenance, and it will not last forever. Make sure the air filter is changed regularly and schedule annual inspections. When the time comes for a new air conditioner, research new technological advances in the next system. Spend some time with an HVAC technician and answer questions about your air conditioning experiences; there are some cooling options that can address your problem.
  4. Reduce Heat Generation. Incandescent lights produce more heat than light, so replace them with fluorescent or LED options. If the washing machine, dryer, cook stove, or dishwasher is upstairs, make sure to use them during the coolest part of the day whenever possible. Schedule laundry and dishwasher overnight. Cook several meals at once to limit the time the stove/oven is heating the space.
  5. Thermostat Fan. On the thermostat, you will find two fan settings – ON and AUTO. In Houston, we recommend keeping the fan in AUTO mode. Leaving the fan in the ON position can increase humidity levels.
  6. Exhaust Fans. Kitchens and bathrooms have exhaust fans that push odors outdoors, but they are pushing cool, conditioned air outdoors. Limit their use upstairs and during the hottest part of the day.
  7. Ceiling Fans. Ceiling fans are important cooling tools during the cooling season. The summer setting for ceiling fans turns the fan counterclockwise, pushing the air down to circulate the cool air around the room. In a medium setting, fans can help circulate the air throughout the upper story.

The movement of heat naturally occurs; the key is learning to use these principles to achieve the comfort level you desire. Each of these solutions has the potential to improve the comfort level of your upper stories.

Is it time for your Spring Air Conditioning Maintenance appointment?

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help with Air Conditioning Maintenance and regularly scheduled HVAC maintenance. Contact us and get the answers you need.

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