10 Furnace Efficiency Tips for Homeowners

Furnace Efficiency Tips to Reduce Utility Bills

You have maintained, repaired, and coaxed your furnace for the last 18 months, but it is finally time to admit the time has come to replace the poor thing. It’s not as if you have an emotional attachment, but this purchase is something that happens so rarely, the decision is never made from confidence. Here are some questions to ask the furnace professionals.

  1. What are my options? Some subdivisions installed natural gas, and some did not. Do heat pumps work well in this region? Local technicians will be a valuable information resource and will share local details pertaining to your purchase.
  2. Is there a relationship between energy efficiency and cost? The Environment Protection Agency will give furnace components either an HSPF or AFUE rating, so ask for a simple explanation of the terms. Inquire as to how long the higher cost of an energy-efficient furnace will take to be repaid. Would adding insulation gain these results? These details will help you make an informed decision PLUS prevent disappointment after the purchase.
  3. What do you mean by “size?” Are you referring to the dimensions? It is not necessary to take a course in heating and air conditioning to clearly understand what you are purchasing.
  4. Can you explain these terms? When you say “this has a single, two-stage, or variable-speed furnace, what does that mean? What do you mean when you say “variable-speed blower?” Remember, HVAC professionals use these terms every day—literally—so they may assume they are communicating information in a totally understandable manner. If you do not understand, ask!!
  5. What can I do to save energy? Some keys to your furnace functioning efficiently are decisions that you make. Some keys might take a little work, such as weatherstripping or adding insulation. Some keys might require lifestyle changes, such as opening drapes or blinds strategically or properly using ceiling fans.
  6. How can I program my new thermostat? Older model thermostats were a simple switch to turn the heat or AC on and off. All new thermostats are programmable to automatically change the temperature setting for comfort or energy savings. Some thermostats come with a cellphone app that allows a homeowner to change the temperature “on the fly.” Find out about these features to enhance the comfort and safety of your home.
  7. Can you suggest some accessories that improve indoor air quality? Indoor air quality has become a trending issue over the last few years. We became aware of the percentage of time we spend indoors and how important clean air can be. Your technician can recommend filtration options, UV lights, or air purification equipment. Adding these features during the installation of a new furnace is ideal.
  8. What can you tell me about government or local utility incentives? Both agencies appreciate the impact of new HVAC equipment makes on energy demands and environmental quality. Do not overlook cash incentives or utility bill rebates that can help reduce the cost of your purchase.
  9. Is my warranty tied to regular maintenance? Scheduled preventative maintenance for your new furnace reduces the stress on component parts that become dirty or worn. The accumulation of worn minor parts adds stress to major components. Regular maintenance clearly extends the useful years of your furnace, so lengthy warranties are often connected to a maintenance record. You should understand this before the new equipment is installed.
  10. How long will installation take? This is vital information so you can schedule an adequate time and access for a crew to remove the old furnace and install the new equipment. It probably does not take as long as you imagine, so this information might relieve your mind a little bit.

Have questions about Furnace Efficiency, we can help!

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help with Furnace Efficiency and regularly scheduled Heating System maintenance. Contact us and get the answers you need.


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