5 Tips for an Energy Efficient HVAC System

Tips for Summertime HVAC Savings

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten.”

Summer is approaching and the long cooling season will soon begin. Since energy prices are skyrocketing across the board this year, there is an inner discussion going on inside your head. “This year needs to be different!” you tell yourself, “We need to take some steps to cut our energy bill.”

However, your inner voice cannot answer the question, “What can I do to lower my energy bill?” Here are five tips that can significantly lower your energy bills. Don’t take our word as truth: follow up with the Department of Energy posts to make sure you get it right.

Energy Efficient HVAC System Tip 1

Save Money by Programming Temperature Changes.1 Your air conditioning needs to change throughout the day. With a programmable or smart thermostat, you can take advantage of these facts and save on your energy bill with every change. Here is how it works:

Energy Efficient HVAC System Tip 2

Save Money by Closing Blinds in Summer/Opening Blinds in Winter2 There are several things to remember about the windows and glass doors.

Blinds and window treatments can help regulate the temperature in your home if you open the blinds on sunny winter days and close them during the heat of the day during the summer.

Energy Efficient HVAC System Tip 3

Save Money by SealingDuctwork3

When a house’s construction is complete, a large portion of the supply and return air ducts are enclosed under wallcoverings, and never or rarely seen again. They are easily ignored, but an estimated 20% of the air moving through the ducts is lost to leaks and unsealed joints. What can you do about ducts you cannot access?

Energy Efficient HVAC System Tip 4

Save Money by Resetting Your Water Heater4

Most water heaters arrive from the manufacturer with a factory temperature setting of 1400 F. That is hot enough to scald someone; most uses require a mixture of hot and cold water to protect against harm. Not only is this setting too hot for human skin, but it is also costing money.

Energy Efficient HVAC System Tip 5

Save Money by Maintaining Your HVAC System5

Since approximately 50% of your energy use is consumed by heating and cooling your residence, do everything you can to keep your HVAC system in good working order. When you remember that dust is the enemy of your system, these three tips will make perfect sense.

    • Keep the outdoor condenser unit clear from debris and clean from dirt and grass clippings. A central fan is pulling air through small openings in the surround. If those openings are clogged or blocked, the overheating can cause catastrophic damage to the unit.
    • Change the air filter at least every three months. This improves indoor air quality but also limits the amount of dust, pollen, and dander that can make its way into the central cabinet.
    • Schedule an annual HVAC tune-up with an HVAC technician. Not only will he inspect the system for proper function, but he will also clean away the dust that makes it past the air filter.

Have Questions About HVAC Systems Energy Efficiency?

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help with creating a more Energy Efficient HVAC System. Contact us and get the answers you need.

5 Tips for an Energy Efficient HVAC System

1 https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/programmable-thermostats#:~:text=You%20can%20save%20money%20on,automatic%20setback%20or%20programmable%20thermostat

2 https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-efficient-window-coverings

3 https://www.energystar.gov/campaign/heating_cooling/duct_sealing/benefits#:~:text=Save%20Money,for%20itself%20in%20energy%20savings

4 https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/do-it-yourself-savings-project-lower-water-heating-temperature

5  https://www.energystar.gov/campaign/heating_cooling


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