5 Signs You Need Furnace Repair

Furnace Repair Tips for Homeowners

That was weird! The furnace just came on and then turned right of! Is this a problem? It could be a “short cycle.” Find out what that means below with these Furnace Repair tips for homeowners.


Each furnace functions differently. Each home requires heat differently depending on factors like size and insulation. Different outdoor temperatures will also create different needs. On average, a normal furnace will cycle 2 to 5 times per hour and a cycle should last at least 5 minutes.

Short cycles happen when the furnace turns on for a short duration (a few seconds to less than 2 minutes) or cycles that happen frequently, say, every five minutes or so. Both types of short cycles indicate a problem that needs to be addressed. Here are some common causes of furnace short cycles.


The heat exchange chamber has a sensor that shuts the heat off if the temperature exceeds a certain threshold. The proper flow of air ensures the heat generated by the furnace will move throughout the house properly and cool the exchange chamber. The chamber will overheat when:

Further investigation by an HVAC technician may reveal other variables causing overheating problems.

Thermostat Settings

The thermostat serves as an ON/OFF switch; if the switch malfunctions, it can affect the timing of cycles. Since new thermostats are programmable, take a look to make sure everything is functioning properly.

Combustion Problems

Natural gas or propane furnaces might experience problems with combustion that can cause short cycles.

Wrong Size

Have questions about Furnace Repair, we can help!

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help with Furnace Repair and regularly scheduled Heating System maintenance. Contact us and get the answers you need.

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