5 Commercial HVAC Maintenance Tips

5 Commercial HVAC Maintenance Tips for a More Efficient HVAC System

As we slide from heating season to cooling season, your calendar should already have a reminder to complete an HVAC routine maintenance check on your commercial system. Your list should include:

1 Clean or replace all air filters.

The air filters trap dust, pollen, mold spores, and other airborne particles. Those particles remained trapped on the filter until you remove them—either by cleaning the filter or replacing the filter. If you drop the ball and forget to do this, the filter clogs and decreases the airflow that passes through it. This is not good for your system or for indoor air quality, since some of those particles can be pulled around the filter. Hopefully, you remember where all of the filters are located!

2 Check all of the necessary components that need to be maintained.

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3 Check component functions to make sure the system meets the manufacturer’s specifications.

4 Clean some potentially nasty parts in hard-to-reach locations.

5 Check fan and compressor motors.

Or you could call Northwind, and schedule a commercial HVAC maintenance visit.

Need help with your Springtime HVAC Maintenance Checklist?

Northwind Air Conditioning and Heat can help with Springtime HVAC Maintenance. Contact us and get the answers you need.

Commercial HVAC Maintenance

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